Monday, January 5, 2009

Things to Be Thankful

I suppose I'm a little late on this post. It should have been written about a month and half ago, yet this is something that I should express. I've come to realize I have much that I take for granted that I should be thankful for.
  1. My branches - These are the people who know the surface me. We don't get into the deepness of relationships. They are generally good for the laugh, the flirt, the fun, etc. They are the pretty decorations in my life. They occupy the time, take up the space, but are not generally people I call on in an emotional emergency. They share in the goodness in my life. They cheer me on when I undertake a new project. Occasionally, a branch will fall to the ground and become a root. I do not mean to make these people sound superfical. My life would be dull and boring without them. They bring all the colour into my life.
  2. My roots - These people are crazy. They are overprotective, opinionated, and generally insane in the membrane. But they love me and support me. During my divorce, I wouldn't have made it without my mother's love and support, my stepdad's financial support, and my brother's moral support. They mean no harm when they try to guide me in the right direction. They seem unable to understand their path is not my path. I've tried walking their path. I stumble, lose my way, and just generally feel frustrated with it. Someday, I hope they will see my way was not always the easiest, clearest, or most planned, but it was the one I was destined to take. It is shaping and molding me. For all they do and did, I am forever grateful and indebted to them. The other non-familial roots I have are the ones that I can always count on for the emotional support for any crisis or the celebrating of any joyous occasion. Most of these are new since, during my divorce, my whole root system seemed to dry up. These people always encourage me for everything, always tell me and make me feel as I'm beautiful, and always inspire me to do the best. They love me in spite of my flaws, or perhaps, they love me for my flaws. They are the twinkle in my eyes, the smile on my lips, the song in my heart. Without them, I'd be nothing. I'm forever grateful for the new roots that have come into my life and uplifted me to the highest point I've ever been. They are helping me fold my wings and fly again.
This is just a big thank you to all the ones I have to be grateful to. You'll never know what your love and support has meant to me. I hope one day I can return this favour ten fold to you.


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